Selecting field service management software is challenging. There are so many different options to choose from, so many unique features and so many diverse needs that it can be a challenge to find the best field service software solution that will work for your field service organization.
It’s not a boxed software where you go to the store, purchase the software and come back to the office and install, but rather, one that will be accessible by every single member of your organization from the very top to the bottom. And for some organizations, the selection of a field service software comes on top of their day-to-day work, which adds even more stress to the selection process.
So, where does someone start when looking to implement a field service management software solution into their organization? What is the correct path to take to get up and running with work order automation, mobile field service apps, and enhanced reporting tools? Well, the truth is, you have to start from within your own organization and figure out first and foremost, what is important to you and your service delivery team.
Focusing On Your Internal Needs For a Field Service Software
You can’t evaluate every field service management software option on the market, as there are too many doing many different things. Narrowing the field down to a select few software options can be done by first looking inside your organization and addressing the internal needs you have, rather than a field service software provider telling you all the features they offer, without addressing your concerns.
Perhaps you need a simple work order management system that takes you away from paper-based work orders, making it easier to keep a database of service history without the stacks of paper and cabinets of files on past clients. Or you want to send your technicians into the field with a mobile field service app so they don’t have to use a pen and paper and can finish a work order on their mobile device. We haven’t even touched on preventative maintenance contract automation or job costing and project tools for installations (automated checklists, etc).
Many, if not all of these features need to come at the request of you and your organization’s needs and wants from a field service software. When looking to select a field service management software, the first thing every organization should do is create a list of the non-negotiables – the features they can’t do without and the areas of their business they want to improve. That will help a field service software provider begin to narrow down the features, products, and services you will need in their software that will work for you, as opposed to telling you how to run your business. It will also save you time during your search process and on demo calls. You probably don’t need to waste time learning about a feature that doesn’t apply to your business.
Every Field Service Organization Has Different Non-Negotiables
The reason the list of non-negotiables has to come from you is that every service organization is different and operates differently. But it is important to know what that list is so that when you start to evaluate field service software, you’re keeping your organization’s needs in mind throughout the entire process, keeping your focus on solving your problems with a software solution.
Field service software is highly adaptable and customizable, and with the ability to integrate into other software and systems, chances are good that your field service software provider will be able to customize your software to fit exactly your needs. But they need to know those needs beforehand so that they fully understand how to best offer a solution to you.
Once you have the list of non-negotiables, then you can start the process of evaluating software based on that list and see what features and functionality each software has to offer you. What you want is a software that not only meets your needs and expectations but exceeds them by offering you a greater chance at growing revenue through more efficient service delivery.
It’s not going to be an easy decision and there are plenty of field service management software options available. However, by figuring out first what is on your non-negotiables list and what are must-haves to grow your business, the sooner you will find a solution that is right for you.
Maybe you don’t know what your non-negotiables are? If you need help creating your list, contact us today. We’d be happy to talk through your options with you.