How IT Services Companies Use Field Service Software

Case Studies, Field Service, IT Services

Last updated Nov 2, 2023 at 7:22PM | Published on Aug 21, 2020 | Case Studies, Field Service, IT Services

Mobilizing a workforce to handle the growing demand for IT deployments and telecommunications can be especially difficult for a field service provider. Rising internet usages over the past five years has increased demand for voice and data services, cloud solutions, data center technologies and growing IT service networks. From on-site field service, to help desk support, remote desktop repairs and managing a network of subcontractors that specialize it specific IT deployments, the IT industry faces a critical time in managing their enterprise, as the global demand for their services continues to rise.

To complete these types of new installations, and to manage the maintenance of these growing systems, IT services businesses have turned to field service management software to manage their entire business. From projecting management and job costing tools, to a complete work order management system with maintenance contract automation capabilities, IT services business are finding unique ways to use field service management software to handle their voice and data service problems, and handle the capacity of IT-related service calls with subcontractor management.

Fieldpoint has been a chosen solution for those in the IT services industry, providing a complete field service management system that helps meet the demand for telecommunications, IT and voice and data services, and deployments. With a complete end-to-end solution, Fieldpoint is handling deployment management of new data center technologies, cloud services, and new networks for IT services, while also providing a mobile solution for a growing workforce of subcontractors. With a work order management system with built-in levels of automation to escalate service requests from maintenance contracts, Fieldpoint is the solution IT service providers are looking for to increase business efficiency and performance across their entire workforce.

Supporting IT Deployments With Project Management Solutions

Bailiwick, a Minnesota based technology solutions company, performs over 40,000 equipment installations each year, requiring sophisticated project management solutions to handle the capacity of their deployments. Along with offering 24×7 support to their customers, which counts for more than 200,00 calls annually through their service desk, Bailiwick’s ability to manage their workforce to perform as many deployments as they can is thanks to their Fieldpoint project management system.

“By installing Fieldpoint field service software, we are now able, for the first time, to see a high-level picture of our business across all our projects, and drill down to the task level details,” says Missy Carbonneau, Vice President of IT.


New projects are put into the IT field service system, which generates work orders for each customer’s location. Fieldpoint also generates requisitions for equipment required, which automatically converts to a purchase order in their ERP system, without having to enter the data manually. This automation reduces time demands on each project, enabling Bailiwick to take on more deployments for their technology solutions. And it has increased their overall business performance and increased the number of deployments without needing to take on additional resources.

“Fieldpoint allows us to aggregate repeatable tasks, creating a highly scalable business model,” said Carbonneau.


“Fieldpoint has made it possible for us to scale our business, allowing us to handle greater volume with the same number of internal resources.”

Adding Mobility To The IT Services Field

While IT services and telecommunications businesses are rolling out new technology for their customers, internally, some have looked at their own technology and realized they needed better solutions for themselves. Mobile field service capabilities have had a positive impact across the entire field service industry, and IT service providers are reaping the rewards of using mobile field service applications in their own business.

EvolvTec, one of the largest service providers of computer services and equipment for banks, government and education institutions, required a solution that included mobile support for their technicians in the field, as well as inventory and asset management from a mobile device. EvolvTec handles network solutions, IT security, VoIP and virtualization, and has offered a wide range of IT services to their customers for over 40 years.

With Fieldpoint, they introduced the mobile field service app, giving their technicians a tool to make them more efficient in the field, while providing real-time updates on job status, more insight to asset management.


“Fieldpoint Mobile allows our Engineers the ability to provide ‘real-time’ service call updates,” said Jim Hones, VP of Engineering Services with EvolvTec. “The tools have greatly enhanced our Engineers’ utilization and productivity.”

field service mobile app

Along with a new work order management solution, enhanced scheduling and dispatching tools, and serialized asset tracking as part of their contract management, EvolvTec found Fieldpoint to be a complete solution for their business. Fieldpoint enabled them to scale their business, offering better services to their customers, and make their workforce more productive in the field with the field service mobile app.

Managing A Subcontractor Based Workforce

Now, more than ever, IT services are utilizing a vast network of subcontractors to complete service repairs. From simple computer maintenance to large VoIP, data banks and telecommunications systems, subcontractors are being utilized across the entire IT services landscape to provide a wide range of services.

Comm-Works, a leading technology enterprise with over 20,000 technicians in 120 countries, is made up of mostly subcontractors, with 95% of their workforce being out-sourced subcontractor help. They needed a system in place to not only dispatch service subcontractors their work orders, but also one to reduce their time in returning information to the head office. Prior to Fieldpoint, Comm-Works required technicians to call into their call center, which due to the high volume of calls, meant subcontractors were left on hold for upwards of 30 minutes.

“With a high volume of calls, it was hard to process them quickly and there were certainly internal delays,” said Greg Thayer, Chief Technology Officer with Comm-Works. “So, now I have a technician waiting on the line for a half hour and they’re unhappy because they have other work to do, plus I’m paying them for an extra half hour to wait for my teams just to check them in.”

Comm-Works implemented the Fieldpoint’s field service software and introduced the field services mobile app to their team of technicians. Not only were they scheduling subcontractors and technicians in Fieldpoint, but they were using the same mobile application to deliver work orders, allowing subcontractors to input answers through the app, and submit it back to the office. 70% of their technicians utilized the mobile app, and there was a drastic reduction in the call volume.

Comm-Works implemented the Fieldpoint’s field service software and introduced the field services mobile app to their team of technicians. Not only were they scheduling subcontractors and technicians in Fieldpoint, but they were using the same mobile application to deliver work orders, allowing subcontractors to input answers through the app, and submit it back to the office. 70% of their technicians utilized the mobile app, and there was a drastic reduction in the call volume.

“The mobile app is the biggest game changer for us,” said Thayer. “Most of our work orders should be able to be completed when the technician leaves the site. Not only has it improved our operational efficiency, but it has improved our partner satisfaction. It has made it easier for them to interact with us.”


Fieldpoint’s subcontractor management tools enable IT service provides to expand their workforce to subcontractors and utilize them the same way they would their in-house technicians. Subcontractors can be scheduled and dispatched the same as a regular technician, have access to the field service mobile app to complete tasks and enter time, and have that information returned for processing. And at the end, Fieldpoint’s subcontractor management solution will produce a payment voucher to have that subcontractor paid on time, for the correct hours they worked.

Fieldpoint’s Solution For IT Services

Fieldpoint is helping IT service providers meet the growing global demand for technology. Whether that be VoIP services, data centers, telecommunications solutions, new networks in new construction, or computer and server maintenance, Fieldpoint has a full breadth of solutions to cover all field service management needs.

Deployment of New Systems

Manage the deployment of new technology solutions with Fieldpoint’s project and job costing system, automate preventative maintenance schedules with our contract module, and have service history on every asset you install readily available in our work order management system. Complete your field service management implementation with a mobile field service app to better utilize your technicians and subcontractors, and gain greater visibility into your customers, your technician’s movements, and your business overall.

Better Control Over Your Own Business

While IT service providers are installing new technology for their customers, they can’t forget about themselves and their own operation. Better managing their business with field service management software will lead to a better customer experience, increased revenue through more project deployments, and an ability to scale your business with the right data and information to make important critical decisions. And all of that is available in Fieldpoint’s all-in-one field service software.

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