Five Things that Service Management Can Learn from Deepak Chopra

Blog, Field Service

Last updated Jan 6, 2020 at 10:30AM | Published on Oct 9, 2013 | Blog, Field Service

As a consumer, we have high expectations.  We want the best products at the right price and we want exceptional service if something goes wrong.  In a connected digital, social and mobile world, there is no hiding.  So proving the very best customer care should be a core mantra to operate against; to meet the demands of today’s educated and empowered consumers.

We will spend several hours researching reviews and brand comparisons on big-ticket purchases for products and services. Once the product or service has been purchased, we may even be so inclined to publicly post a review. So in a connected world, everyone from Field Technicians to the Board of Directors must put on their customer service hats.

As Deepak Chopra posted in the Five Ways to Change Someone Else’s Mind, I would paraphrase that to The Five Ways to Provide the Very Best Service Delivery.

Five Things that Service Management Can Learn from Deepak Chopra

  1. Be sincere and truthful.
      1. As a Service Department or Help Desk, you deal with a “ga-zillion” inquiries a day and bombarded with unhappy customers. But people want to connect with people. Knowing that they are dealing with a person who actually cares, and not just a robot reading a script, can defuse a situation.


  2. Appeal to what someone else already believes. Don’t impose your own belief system.
      1. Selling more of your corporate “Kool-Aid” isn’t what a customer wants to hear. We want to know that you understand our pains and that they are being addressed. Provide a solution to the problem.


  3. Be aware of the other person’s blind spots. Don’t assume they are open-minded.
      1. “A blind spot is a fixed opinion that is so strong, the person shuts out any input to the contrary. It’s the supreme example of rigid thinking.”  Deepak Chopra.
      2. In other words, be prepared!  Know the potential objections and have a few canned answers ready to go.  “Umming and ahhing” isn’t going to make the customer happy.  Moreover, if you can’t answer their questions, get someone who can.


  4. In general, persuade through reason, not emotion. Don’t assume that emotions aren’t in play, however.
      1. Aristotle would refer to this as logos or logic. A great way to do this is to quantify numbers and facts. But make sure your claims can be properly backed up. Otherwise, you risk losing your credibility and validity.


  5. Make the other person feel right. Don’t make them feel wrong.
      1. Customers generally don’t just pick up the phone to rant for no reason.  Something had to annoy them over and over again to drive them to reach out to you.  Even if it was a “user error,” you don’t need to point it out. Perhaps this user error is happening because of poor design?!


Having the right service management system can alleviate downstream pains to the help desk and/or service department. By being able to close incidents quickly, as well as, dispatching the right person at the right times can improve brand perception and customer retention.

Find out how companies like DCR are improving their service delivery and their bottom line by using the Fieldpoint Service Management solution.