Deciding Your Device for Mobile Field Service Software

Blog, Field Service, Mobile App & Checklist, Technology Trends

Last updated Oct 11, 2019 at 11:44AM | Published on Dec 7, 2017 | Blog, Field Service, Mobile App & Checklist, Technology Trends

Choosing Your Device for Mobile Field Service Software

There are plenty of options when you want to mobilize your field technicians with mobile field service software. Whether it be an iPhone or iPad, an Android phone or tablet, or rugged tablet, laptop or phone, the options, makes and models a service manager has for his organization allows for plenty of flexibility in their decision making. It’s definitely not a ‘one device fits all’ mentality, as HVAC technicians and IT Services technicians could have drastically different needs when it comes to what they need in their hand when they walk onto a job site. And while mobilizing a technician with a mobile field service software and mobile field service app is a great what to automate the work order process, there are some choices that need to be explored.

Here are just a few things to think about what deciding on what mobile device is best for your field service technicians.

Portability and Durability

Field service technicians who must climb and crawl don’t want to be carrying around a large device. For them, a rugged phone would be the best option, as they can slip it in their pocket or toolkit and if it drops from a roof or gets wet on the ground, the phone will be safe. Technicians having to carry a lot of tools don’t want more weight and some are exposed to the elements on rooftops and outdoors, and need a phone or tablet that can hold up to extreme weather conditions.

Cost Factors

Some devices are simply more expensive than others. Generally, the cheaper the device, the less functionality or smaller the device is. If the organization is supplying phones and tablets to new workers, it can be an expensive undertaking to mobilize their field service team. But without a proper device, it could hinder the team’s ability to access the field service software. It’s a balancing act with mobility and finding a price tag that fits the organizations budget.

Field Worker Familiarity

Everyone has a preference, whether Android and iPhone. If you’re not allowing your technicians to bring their own device into the organization, someone is going to have to learn a new operating system. That can be a challenge with an aging workforce that already struggles with mobile devices. Field service organizations would be best to ask their technicians themselves what they use, to minimize the amount of training that would be required if they were to make an unpopular choice.

With mobility taking center stage in most field service software platforms heading forward, there are plenty of options to consider before arming your team with mobile devices.